June 2-9 2010 Paula, Tracy, Sadie and Sophie

June 2-9, 2010.  My sister, Paula, niece, Tracy and grandnieces Sadie and Sophie (soon to be known as Mac and Cheese) came for a visit.  As Paula hates to fly, hates boats and cannot swim, you may be asking yourself, “Why would she choose to fly thousands of miles to visit us on a boat?”  Our answer, “Good question…”  Sadie was to turn 11 during the visit; Sophie had just turned 9.  Never having had children on board, and with my sister’s issues, I was a tad worried; but to everyone’s credit, my worries were unwarranted.  They were real troupers.


June 2.  After arriving around 8PM, a quick meal at Tickles Restaurant, we went to bed.  We spent the first night in Crown Bay Marina to give everyone a chance to get a good night’s sleep with air-conditioning.   After tonight, sleeping aboard will be like sleeping in a sauna.


June 3.  Heading out to Hawks Nest, the next morning, everyone managed to keep breakfast down, even though the water was lumpy.  Paula entertained us all with her hoopin’-hollerin’ each time a wave bounced her on the forward trampoline.  She kept saying, “I think I’m gonna die”, all in jest, of course.


Once we arrived in Hawks Nest, the girls were in the water from noon until 4:30.  Even Paula got in the water with a floatation device.  I towed her to shore and Steve towed her back to the boat.  We celebrated Paula’s BD with steak, asparagus, baked potatoes…I also baked her Grandma Cooper’s famous chocolate sheet cake. 


June 4, we went to Trunk Bay and the girls were in the water or on the beach from 10:30 until 3:00.  We did the hundred+ steps up to Maho for dinner.  Paula made it up and down, even tough she though it would be tough after being in the water almost as long as the girls were.


June 5-6, Waterlemon Bay, the Annaberg Plantation and snorkeling.  The girls were fish-like in the water.  Whatever concerns we had about water safety are completely resolved.  They dive down without care, examining coral and sea life, collecting shells.  They even accompanied Steve on a long snorkel through the bay and completely around the cay. They saw starfish, a ray, some huge sea cucumbers, a peacock flounder, and a lot of neat stuff. 


We played dominoes and cards after dinner in the evening.   I have to tell you, I laughed so hard that Sophie could bluff Steve into exchanging cards with her during a hand of “S**t On Your Neighbor)”.  (He was shocked, too.)   Sara Bernhardt had nothing on Sophie!


June7, Sadie’s 11th BD.  We went in to Cruz Bay, had burgers at Woody’s Restaurant.  The waitresses at Woody’s played the Stevie Wonder Birthday Song, made her a fruit smoothie, which was really a nice surprise.  They also took our picture for their website.  (Hollywood will soon be calling the girls; I am sure.)  Both the girls got their hair braided into cornrows.  As per Sadie’s request, I made pizza and chocolate cake for her birthday.


June 8.  Another day spent in the water, this time at Christmas Cove, St. James and more cards after dinner.


June 9.  Back in Crown Bay Marina, Paula and Tracy have opted to spend the last night at the Holiday Inn.  Craving a long, hot shower and sleeping with air-conditioning throughout an entire night is too tempting to ignore.  It has been unseasonably hot and humid here.  Who can blame them?


Despite the heat and numerous boat breakdowns, everyone made it through the adventure with smiles on their faces.  I think the girls have good memories of their time with us.  I know we have good memories of having everyone aboard.


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