February 3-9, 2009 Sattler visit

February 3-9, 2009

Charlotte Amalie to Red Hook, Maho Bay, Leinster Bay, Cruz Bay and back to Charlotte Amalie


Poor Marty was such a trooper.  The first day aboard, he got seasick on our passage from Charlotte Amalie to Red Hook.  Getting into the dinghy on day one, he caught his little toe on a handrail on the transom and dislocated it.  By the third day his gout was acting up – his right ankle was swollen, red and hot to the touch…and it was, unfortunately, on the same side as the dislocated toe.  He hobbled everywhere we went.  The night before their departure, he developed a fever/chills, as well as neck and back spasms.  I guess "The Good Life", as he kept calling our life on the boat, was more than he could take.  J


Just the same, he NEVER complained.  He walked everywhere we went without a compromised attitude, just shuffled/limped along, yet really seemed to enjoy himself.  Even when Cathie and I decided to walk from the Annaberg Sugar ruins to the beach in Waterlemon Bay, about  .8 miles, he trudged along with us instead of riding back to the boat in the dinghy.  As I said, he was a real trooper.


Cathie had several opportunities to quench her thirst for shopping.   She bought maternity tops for her daughter and daughter-in-law, hats for her son and son-in-law, a watercolor, soap for her mother-in-law, books and a t-shirt for her step-grandson, clothes and 3 pieces of jewelry for herself, a piece of art from a gallery, a bowl and a book for me…and that’s only what I can REMEMBER!!!!  She was so funny. 


There were many plans talked about…but the five days went by so fast, they only saw/did a fraction of what was available for them.  We never really got under way to do anything before 10AM; on several days, there was the obligatory afternoon nap (of which I also partook).  


No surprise, without a doubt the most important activities of the day centered on eating and drinking.  (We focused meals around their love of fish, Asian Grouper with Rice Noodles, Sashimi tuna and Conch Fritters, Smoked Salmon Pizza, etc.  Steve bought a 55-60 year old blend of Johnny Walker Blue called "King George" that Marty, scotch connoisseur extraordinaire, fell in love with.)  It was very special, and after all, IT WAS THEIR VACATION!!!!!  J


Steve and I were never in a hurry, just let them move at their own pace; consequently, we never did make it to Round Bay for lobster.  Our time together was leisurely and SO, SO, SO enjoyable.  It was so nice to see each other, and I think they enjoyed themselves more then they expected…despite Marty’s varied ailments.


OH, the COOLEST thing – The first night aboard, we were sitting in the cockpit on anchor at Charlotte Amalie when we heard this incredible splash.  We all looked to starboard and had the luck to see a southern stingray, no further away then 15-20 feet, leap out of the water, a good 5 feet into the air with white belly fully exposed.  The re-entry into the water was a jumble of ray-wings, definitely less than stream lined.   It happened three times, one right after the other.  We have never before seen anything like it!


Next best thing was snorkeling for conch in Mary’s River.  We were in 1-2 feet of water right next to the mangroves.  The water was crystal-clear and there amidst the tangle of furry mangrove roots were hundreds of small to medium fish, lazing about or darting through the arches…a little secret world normally hidden from view.  It was such a sight!



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